Aunt Jamima Baby

I'm gonna have to get her some scarves.

Have you ever seen such a soggy diaper?
So a while ago there was this stretch where Julius was leaking out of his diaper EVERY night. We were having to change sheets, pajamas, everything. So annoying in the middle of the night. (Mostly for Ken...I admit he got up and took care of it way more than I did. Love him.)
We were trying not to give him water for a while before bedtime...wasn't helping though. It's like as soon as he fell asleep he never stopped peeing. Then we were talking to Ken's sister and
she was all "Why don't you just get night time diapers?"
I was all "What are those?"
I had no idea they existed.
They've saved us. Most of the time. This picture is first thing in the morning and that is a night time diaper...barely hanging on. Gross huh?
On that note...
I should probably do some potty training.

Naomi likes to eat brunch while looking at the view.

Cutie Pie
Cum in your son's butt and mouth
#best all new and free kid videos
Love to seed his butt
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