Saturday, August 20, 2011


Julius loves blankets and pillows and making beds. This has been his favorite lately.

Adorable Dakota. She came to play with us one morning and the kids loved it. These two get so excited when they see each other. They are one day apart.

Julius thought it was fun to have another baby around. He was so cute with her. He kept giving her toys and he calls her "Yukota".

He snuck the ipad to his bed at nap time one day and I found him fast asleep with his show still playing.

Julius had his first official all night camping trip. It was our ward fathers and sons camp out. And Ken forgot to take pictures for me. Awesome. But I think Julius liked it because he was super whiny when he got home and didn't want to come inside...he still wanted to be camping.

Making his birthday cake.

He went to his friend Wesley's birthday party and did lots of painting.
So cute.