Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Grandma's Visit

My mom came to town at the end of June to stay with us through July! I love it when my mom's here but I think Julius especially enjoyed all the one on one time with Grandma!

One of Julius' favorite things to do is go out in the front yard with Ken and hit golf balls. Grandma bought him his own little golf club which is good for Julius and anyone standing in the vicinity since it's plastic! After lots of practice with dad he's actually a pretty good shot...I'm impressed.

Mom also bought and helped me plant a few flowers. I could do so much more with this space...maybe next year!

Dessert before bed.

Another favorite pass time...playing in the sprinklers. He always manages to get out the front door at the exact time the sprinklers are on...amazing considering I can't even keep track of their schedule.