Most of the time we don't really know but for the record here are all the words he knows at 22 months:
*Dada aka. Da I think this was also his first word
*mom This is not necessarily me. He'll say this to anyone. It means "Hey you"
*Mommy From what I can tell, most of the time this means me
*Don ie. The truck is don...or gone as we like to say.
*dal done all done
*du duck
*dah dog
*yuck or eww
*ee-oh one of the more cryptic phrases...clean up
*ee 1, as in the number one...he holds up one finger and says "ee"...I don't know where he got that and he refuses to believe the word is actually "one"
*ee-ya see-ya
*bum bum
* mine He just started saying idea where he learned it
*uh up
He still does signs for more, thank you and blanket.
When I say "love you" he'll give me a kiss. (If he's in a good mood)

He absolutely refuses to say sorry or please.
And his most common phrase goes something like "Mom! No! Owie! Owie! No! Mine, Mine, Mine!"
I think we're getting close to two!