Museum of Natural History
One Saturday we noticed it was gonna be a little rainy so we thought we'd go into the city but go to the Museum of Natural History. I LOVE rainy days. We thought it would be fun to see New York in a little bit of rain but be indoors most of the time. It all sounded good at the time.
Shannon took Daniel on the train and Amanda and I took the babies in the car and we would meet at the museum. (We couldn't all fit in the car) So it's raining the whole way there and we park a few blocks from the museum, which in nice weather wouldn't be that big a deal. We get the strollers out, bundle the babies up, put the rain covers on the strollers and off we go.
After a few blocks we notice there is seriously hardly anyone else out on the streets...in NewYork! After about a block we were pretty wet, after a couple blocks we were soaked. It was like the craziest rain storm ever. About half way there we were like do we turn around, do we keep going, do we find the subway? At that point we just kept going but had to periodically stop because the wind was so strong we couldn't push the strollers. I'm not kidding.
We finally get to the museum and apparently everyone else in New York had the same idea because they were all there. Amanda and I were drenched and cold. Luckily the babies were completely dry and warm. Then we see Shannon and Daniel...not a drop of water on them. Apparently the only time they had been outside on their entire trip was when they walked 2 minutes from the house to the train station in Stamford. Then they were on the warm, dry train all the way to Grand Central where they caught the subway which dropped them off right below the museum. Boy did we feel dumb.
Oh but wait. We felt even more dumb when we got home later that day and the rain still hadn't stopped and I talked to my mom who lives in North Carolina who said "So I heard there were 60 mile an hour winds in New York City today." You don't say. How we missed that weather forecast...I don't know.
Oh and then when we got home the power went out and didn't come back on until the next night...24 hours later. Church was cancelled the next day, trees were down all over the place, schools were cancelled for days, a tree fell on the garage of one neighbor and the fence of the other neighbor blew over. I mean this was a really bad storm. And we were just walking around New York. {Feeling more dumb now.}
Like I said, I wish I had Wellies. They would have been cute and functional.

Museum of Natural History

Museum of Natural History

Museum of Natural History

Amanda and the kids

Me, soaked. Julius is asleep under all that.

The tree on the neighbors garage.

The other neighbors fence.

The kids entertaining themselves while the power was out.

Watching a movie on the laptop while the power was out.

While the power was out and we couldn't blow dry our hair...Amanda and I decided to experiment with sponge curlers. I'll spare you the pictures of the two of us...but Nora looked pretty cute.
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