Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Happy 30th!

No matter how hard I tried to be ok with it...I have to say that 30 is a weird birthday. Really? I'm 30? We planned a really low key day. Ken left work early and we went to lunch, a little shopping, then we went out for sushi with family and a few friends.

Surprise! So when we got home from dinner there was an actual surprise party at my house...I think almost every good friend I still have left in Provo was there. I was REALLY surprised. But mostly I just kept thinking "Ken planned a surprise party? What?" I was really confused...I mean Ken's amazing but he is definitely not the organize a big surprise party and make sure there are actually people and cake there type. But then I found out one of my best friends had a hand in it too ( a big hand) Thanks Tiffany! And thanks Ken!

All the cute little kids that were at the party.

Really? I'm 30?


Aria said...

Glad you had a great birthday! Way to go Ken for suprising you!! Wish we could have been there!