Thursday, June 19, 2014

Vienna Day 2

Our second day in Vienna was Sunday. We went to sacrament meeting at a ward my dad served in when he was on his mission, the Vienna 2nd Ward. He even ran in to a couple people he knew. One was, Johann Wondra, who was the branch president when he was a missionary. He remembered dad and said to me "They were the best missionaries ever!!"

Dad told me that when he was on his mission there were no stakes in Austria. The mission president was the ecclesiastical leader for all of Austria. So besides doing missionary work the missionaries also visited all of the branches too.

Dad was telling us how much he always liked this building because it was so different from our usual buildings. Much more modern than most of our buildings, I really liked it. It had a really open nice feeling inside. Apparently a local architect designed it.

There was an English speaking ward later in the day but we went to the German speaking ward because dad thought he'd know a few people. The meeting was about priesthood, dad interpreted tidbits for us. And an all men choir sang which was nice.

The street the church was on...Bocklin Strasse.

Just a building I liked on the same street.


Casey said...

I recognize the name "Wondra." He was the mission president over my mission (Croatia) right before I got there. (I think it was previously part of the Vienna mission.) I love all the travel photos!