Thursday, March 31, 2011

Visiting "Bampa in Bas Begas"

My dad was in Las Vegas at the end of March. He brought a group of Chinese tourists to the states and they wanted to hit Vegas among other places. Dad invited us down for a few nights which was super exciting. We always love to see my dad here and there when he's close by. Julius was especially excited and for days before we left kept saying we're going to "see Bampa in Bas Begas!" {see Grandpa in Las Vegas}
And ever since we got home he always says "go see Bampa in Bas Begas".
I think he thinks Grandpa lives in Las Vegas :)

Naomi on the trip down.
4 months old

Both kids are good for about 4 hours in the car and then it gets crazy.
Unfortunately there aren't cool and exciting places within 4 hours from Provo.

Ken's mom and sister Adri also came down.

I remembered I don't really like Las Vegas. We showed Julius the water show at the Belagio and found the pirate ships at Treasure Island. Other than that we didn't really want to hang out on the strip.

Me and Adri
Part of it is I'd much rather go see the really Eiffel Tower, Venice, Pyramids etc...
instead of visiting replicas in the desert.
Is that so crazy?

Julius did think the pirate ships were cool.

Then we had to get out of we headed to see Hoover Dam.

It's huge.

At the hotel.

Yah for Grandpa! The whole reason we came to Vegas anyway.
We mostly just saw dad in his room here and there when he wasn't busy with his group. We did go to dinner one night and he took us to see Cirque Du Soleil.

Grandpa grew a beard which all his Chinese friends thought made him look very old.
I thought he looked like Sean Connery.

Grandpa gave Julius his first lesson in shaving and got rid of it.

Going to see Cirque du Soleil



Amanda said...

yeah pictures!