Saturday, March 19, 2011

Random March Pictures

Ken trying to feed Naomi some mashed potatoes. Her first taste of food.

Jada and Julius. These two just love each other.

Julius chillin with Uncle David.

Julius LOVES to help me cook...anything.

A really cute picture of Justin and Emily.

Tis the season in the Ojuka house...lots of birthdays.


Tis the season for lots of basketball watching also.
I just had to get Julius a "Jimmer" shirt.

So she's kind of a drooler...Julius was not at all.
This was after we finished watching the BYU/Gonzaga game.
I held her through the whole game and I was yelling and cheering and so was Julius.
She joined right in. Every time we cheered she squealed and squealed.
It was hilarious but made her especially droolly.

Julius being Julius.


tiffany garfield photography said...

Most of these pics crack me up. Julius is such a character now. And the drooling... Haha. Talk to you soon. Btw in prayers tonight Noah said to kirra say thank you for Jesus and kirra said thank you for julius. She also said in the name of Julius Christ, amen. Thought you would get a kick out of that. :)

Jami West said...

Your kids are so beautiful! They are just so perfect looking!! We miss you guys. Glad you're doing well.