Saturday, September 25, 2010

Welcome to the 30's Ken!

So I've been waiting for a year and 4 months for Ken to join me in the thirties. Not that it really matters...but it's nice to have some company.

Normally I probably would not post a picture of this cake...but it was too funny. It kind of looks like a Dr. Seus cake or something. I should just say that was the look I was going for. I don't know what happened . I've made this cake before with no problems. Let's blame it on the pregnancy. After I noticed the cake was clearly going to have issues I did another pregnant thing and burned every finger on my right hand by picking up a hot cookie sheet. Like I said we'll call it pregnant brain. This all happened while in the middle of trying to make birthday dinner for Ken and his family and a few of our friends. After the burning of the fingers I was useless in the kitchen...had to keep them in ice water. At that point I just said forget the cake. I had Ken's sister Adri help me contain the damage and dump all the cake and frosting together. It tasted fantastic which is all that really matters right? And Ken couldn't care less about Happy 30th Honey!

{I look a little sad huh? Still trying to figure out what went wrong!}


Amanda said...

lol! Your cake and my cobbler. But hey at least yours tasted good.