My sister Jenny and her family came to town for a quick visit. We made it up to the mountains to see the pretty fall colors while they were here.

Ben, Paul, Julius


Leah and Seth

The kids were hiking up park of the mountain and Julius really wanted to go up so Kate took him up.

Kate and Naomi

The Mizukawas

Me and Jenny with Naomi and Paul.

Seth and Julius

Naomi and Paul

Jenny and Ben came to town...from take the kids to a BYU football game...which is awesome. We are big fans.
They left the two little boys with us. Julius and Seth made pizzas.

Did I mention Ken wasn't home?

Then there were these two cuties.

They watched some football and had candy.

Poor Paul really missed mom and dad.

Naomi's pretty dress from Aunt Jenny.

Making Halloween cookies.

Julius' cookies started out minimalistic.

Then turned into this.



Jenny and Kate
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