It occurred to me as I was scrolling through our blog one day that Julius is wearing a BYU shirt in about 90% of the pictures. Then a friend who had been looking at our blog said something to me about it and I had to laugh.
The thing is...Julius does actually have non-BYU apparel. In fact, that would include most of his clothes. He just insists on wearing his BYU shirts 90% of the time.
And I'm ok with that.

And of course we had to get little Naomi in on the BYU love.
Don't be fooled by her face, she's lovin the outfit.
Speaking of BYU...
just watched the BYU/San Diego State basketball game.
Go Cougars.
Love Jimmer.
It's fun to watch basketball with Julius.
Every time someone makes a basket he says "Nice!"
Just talked to my sister Jenny. We were talking BYU basketball...cuz we do that...
She told me they decided that since their littlest guy Paul doesn't have a nickname yet, they were just gonna call him Jimmer this month.

The only time Julius has gotten really jealous...like super upset jealous...was when I tried to put this BYU shirt on Naomi for the first time. {Julius has one just like it}
He was just beside himself, crying, screaming, the whole bit.
He kept saying "My BYU...My BYU!"
I had to take it off her before he tried to.