Monday, April 20, 2009


This month the boy learned that he doesn't just have to lay there in his crib...he can turn over and move around in there too!

How can you resist that face?


Aria said...

heehee SO cute! He's going to be a clever boy, that one!

tiffany garfield said...

I can't resist, so stinkin cute!

Jami West said...

Wow! He is getting big. He is so CUTE!! He seems like a funny baby :-)

L said...

OH MY GOODNESS!!! I was so behind on your blog! Julius is the most adorable, precious, handsome little guy EVER!!! He is getting so big, I can't believe it! I just want to squeeze him! I love all of the pictures. You are such a beautiful mommy, Kat... I miss you so much!

The Miller Family said...

oh my gosh so cute! he is aDORiable!