Sunday, November 30, 2008


Julius was great on the trip to Boise. He only needed one break from his car and a diaper change.

Mom and I had to do a little shopping, which Ken hates...but he was a good sport.

Grandpa Anderson, Aunt Candace, Mom

We had Thanksgiving dinner with Grandpa at the assisted living home where he lives.

Dad and Julius

I gave Julius his first taste of whip cream! We didn't get much of a reaction so I'm not sure how much actually got in his mouth.

Great Aunt Candace with Julius

One of my favorite things to do every time I go to Boise is run the trail along the Boise river. Since this was Ken and Julius' first trip I took them over to see the river. We took a very short was really cold!

Hanging out with Dad at the hotel.

Grandma and Julius

Great Grandpa and Julius

Four Generations!


Amanda said...

yeah pictures! it's so nice to see pictures of grandpa and i miss Julius!

Kristen Miner said...

You have a beautiful family.