Sunday, November 30, 2008


Julius was great on the trip to Boise. He only needed one break from his car and a diaper change.

Mom and I had to do a little shopping, which Ken hates...but he was a good sport.

Grandpa Anderson, Aunt Candace, Mom

We had Thanksgiving dinner with Grandpa at the assisted living home where he lives.

Dad and Julius

I gave Julius his first taste of whip cream! We didn't get much of a reaction so I'm not sure how much actually got in his mouth.

Great Aunt Candace with Julius

One of my favorite things to do every time I go to Boise is run the trail along the Boise river. Since this was Ken and Julius' first trip I took them over to see the river. We took a very short was really cold!

Hanging out with Dad at the hotel.

Grandma and Julius

Great Grandpa and Julius

Four Generations!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

This week...

3 Months Old

Julius is 12 weeks old! He does alot of smiling, cooing, drooling, and he's sort of starting to spit. He had a doctors appointment at about 11 weeks...he weighs 12 lbs 8 oz and is 23 1/2 inches.

Things go down hill fast!