Sunday, May 31, 2009

Stewart Falls

So Ken and I have been making lists of things we've never done in Utah in all the years we've each lived here. We're working on checking them all off. So the last Saturday of May we drove up Mount Timpanogas and hiked to Stewart Falls. It was great because it only took about 20 minutes to drive up Timp from our house and a couple hours to hike to the falls and it was beautiful!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Pool Party

We were invited to a 1st birthday pool party for our friends twin girls and another friends little boy. I think Julius likes the pool...he doesn't get too excited...but he doesn't scream or anything either!

The birthday girls are in the white hats. Our friend had his surf board there so we piled kids on it for pictures.

Julius had no fear and crawled all over it.

Arches National Park - Day 2

Delicate Arch (amazing)

The hike to Delicate Arch. (which is pretty much right on the edge of a huge cliff)

That's us under the arch.

The cliff behind the arch.

Julius was totally into it.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Arches National Park - Day 1

I just can't get over this picture! I love it! Over Memorial Day weekend we decided to go to Arches National Park, here in Utah. Neither Ken or I had ever been in all the time we've both been here in Utah. It was fantastic! Definitely a place worth seeing.

As we were checking out our very first arches a storm rolled in...

This is our favorite family photo to date. It literally went from 85 degrees and sunny to 65 degrees with rain, wind and HAIL, within minutes. We were frantically trying to get a picture of all of us with the arch in the background (haha) we could run to the car. This is all we were able to get...we couldn't stop laughing at it.

We stayed in the car for a bit then headed out for the day. By the time we got out of the park in was sunny again.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Crawling like a pro

WARNING: Not much happens in these videos (or any videos that have been posted so far)! It's pretty much just Julius sitting there looking at the camera, crawling or standing up. Not super exciting i know. Mostly these are for family, who are far away, to get a better look at Julius!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Mother's Day

flowers from Ken and Julius

Ken's little sister Adri made these adorable and tasty flowers for all of us on Mother's Day. It was like candy covered cake in the middle! Mmmm.

Such a big boy now...

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Julius' Brotha from Anotha Motha

At the beginning of May we had dinner with some of my good friends from Wilson Diamonds, where I used to work. This is Jake, Hailey and Kendrick's little guy. Adorable! We all agreed that, oddly enough, these two guys look really similar!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Random pictures from May

at the park with mom

Speaking of sleep...Julius is finally sleeping through the night!!!!!!!!! Sort of.
Just in the last 2 or 3 weeks he finally started sleeping from 8 to 8. (except for when he wakes up) Some nights he doesn't wake up at all and some nights it's once or twice BUT when he does wake up...he puts himself back to sleep. (except for those occasional times when he doesn't)
But I feel good about saying he sleeps through the night...because this is much better than what's been going on for the last 9 months!

the first time on grass

We got to see the Arellano's, our good friends from North Carolina, who were in Utah for a bit.
It was so great! Just like seeing family! This is me, Lettie, and Julius.

Julius is over baby food. He'll still eat it like a champ but he prefers our food.

so serious

Isn't this the most pathetic thing you've ever seen? We were out for a walk and Julius was pretty sick with a cold. So sad.

Always going for the electronics.